Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nashville MLS had to happen
All these weeks I've been working with no rest, apart from 4-5 hours sleep a night, and finally I caught some horrible virus/stomach bug that kept me in bed all weekend. Did I mention that it all started Friday the 13th at some social event at Cheekwood in Nashville.

Anyway....seeings as I am sick I have a little more time on my hands and rather than do my taxes ( extension is already applied for :) ) I thought I would take a few moments to create a blog about real estate and in particular the Nashville Tennessee real estate market.

My friend and blogger extraordinaire manages to spend a few minutes every day creating an interesting and thoughtful blog about.....well to find out go to....Digital Rich....and read about it yourself.

I'll try and keep some interesting posts going and give some insights into the Nashville real estate the meantime....back on the road to recovery



1 comment:

DigitalRich said...

Thanks for the plug Gary! No stop blogging and get to work selling some houses!

Hey- the land next to me went up for sale a couple days ago- 39 acres. Want to check in on it for me and find out the price???

Have a great week.
